Stories of fighters

Dmytro Palienko

Dmytro Palienko, a real hero and Defender of Ukraine, who is successfully undergoing rehabilitation after being wounded. His will and stubbornness inspire us all. He showed incredible fortitude and remarkable courage to overcome this ordeal. We are proud of Dmitry and pay tribute to his courage and sacrifice. We wish him a speedy and complete recovery. May his strong spirit continue to inspire not only us, but the entire country.

You will be able to help the fighters in rehabilitation using the Details indicated on the main page of the site!

Bohdan Kozhuhovskyi, call sign "Physicist"

Today, as part of the "History of Fighters" project, we want to introduce you to a real hero - the wounded defender of Ukraine, Bohdan Kozhuhovsky.

His care, courage and dedication are amazing. Despite severe injuries, he does not lose his will to live and fight. This Ukrainian is an example of steadfast will and devotion to his Motherland.

Let's remember and respect heroes like him, who give everything for the sake of freedom and peace in Ukraine. Glory to the heroes!

You will be able to help the fighters in rehabilitation using the Details indicated on the main page of the site!

Subtitles: Meet Bohdan Kozhuhovskyi, call sign Physicist, from the National Guard. Before the war, the boy managed to enter the Faculty of Physics at the Karazin Institute in Kharkiv. On February 24, he volunteered to go to the front, at first he defended Kharkiv, and from October 2022 - Donbass, where he was wounded. It happened during the shift, Bohdan dispersed the soldiers in positions, after which a fierce battle began. Bohdan recalls that the most terrible thing was seeing the death of his brothers one after another.
Direct speech: "Our sergeant died in front of my eyes - young and brave. When you see death - you cannot accept this fact. My whole life flashed before my eyes. When they started working on the positions with RPGs, I was concussed, my nose was torn off by a fragment, a landmine wound on my leg and stomach."

The fighter was hospitalized in Slovyansk, then in Dnipro, and, finally, in March 2023, in Kyiv, where he underwent rhinoplasty. Many more operations await the boy, but Bohdan still wants to finish his studies and work in his profession!

Olena Dubina, call sign "Panda"

Happy Mother's Day, our dear women.

You are guardians of warmth and comfort, mothers of indomitable Ukrainian warriors and a true example of loyal, wise Ukrainian women. We wish you one thing - to wait for your sons and daughters, and be happy with them!

The project "History of Fighters" continues Olena Dubina under the call sign "Panda" BSP "Donbas" HC 3055 NGU! Congratulations, Elena, on the holiday, we wish you not to be sad in autumn, winter, spring and summer. Happiness and peace to you.

This project was created to spread information about our soldiers, their stories and every moment they experienced, starting from February 24, 2022.

You will be able to help the fighters in rehabilitation using the Details indicated on the main page of the site!

Subtitles: Meet Olena, call sign "Panda", BSP "Donbas", school 3035 NSU.

Olena is an example of a brave and selfless Ukrainian woman - a combat medic. Since 2018, she has joined medical welfare. This woman saves hundreds of lives on the battlefield, she has become a real angel for wounded soldiers. And in March 2022, she herself received multiple mine-explosive injuries and a contusion near Kreminna.

Olena has two sons who also defend the independence of our country. Olena Says "The worst thing is not to lose yourself, but to lose a loved one." Fighters say that it is not scary to go into battle with such a medic. They call her Berehyna of the troops

Ihor Chayun, call sign "Rika"

We have the honor to share with you the story of another Defender - Igor Chayun, call sign "Rika" from the National Guard.

Ihor is a real Hero of Ukraine. On the battlefield, he was threatened with danger and wounds, but his spirit was constantly raised. Now in rehab, he is showing true strength and recovery. Not succumbing to the test, he comes out stronger. His will will amaze the world and inspire others. So watch the story and promote this post with likes and shares.

You will be able to help the fighters in rehabilitation using the Details indicated on the main page of the site!

Subtitles: Meet our Hero - Ihor Chayun, call sign "Rika" from the National Guard of Ukraine. From the beginning of the Russian invasion, Ihor underwent training for further combat missions. Already in January 2022, the soldier was sent to Donetsk to support other brigades. The occupiers were too close. Ukrainian positions were shelled constantly. Thanks to the first successfully repulsed attacks, the fighters could gain a foothold in their positions, but they did not have time. The occupiers mercilessly targeted the boys' trenches: the first shell - the boy was stunned, blood from his ears, sparks, the second shell - Ihor could no longer stand up. The boy had many shrapnel wounds. Under fire, the boy was evacuated to Liman, an operation was urgently needed, which, due to the arrivals, was carried out in the basement of the hospital. Ihor is currently undergoing rehabilitation at the hospital of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Kyiv. He is learning to walk again and will soon be back in action healthy.

Evgeny Lypen, call sign "Reporter"

For us, Sunday is a special day, because it is on this day that we reveal to you the stories of our brave Defenders, their feelings, and the path they have traveled for 460 days.

Today is no exception, meet our Hero, Evgeny Lypen, call sign Reporter. The story of each of our soldiers is our history, which we keep in our hearts, it is their exploits for the sake of Independence and the recognition of every Ukrainian

You will be able to help the fighters in rehabilitation using the Details indicated on the main page of the site!

Subtitles:  Meet Yevhen Lypen, call sign Reporter. Yevgeny's peaceful life was changed by the war. From the beginning of the invasion, Evgeny stood on the defense of Okhtyrka, a city that was under enemy fire from the first days. After the redeployment, Yevhen and his comrades were given the task of liberating the village of Verkhnya Novosilka in the Donetsk region, which, fortunately, they accomplished without loss. But later the positions of the fighters came under constant fire. During one of the shellings, Yevgeny was injured: his thumb was torn off, a landmine injury, shrapnel wounds, and a burnt part of his face. With the injury, Yevhen and his brother walked to the medical center, since there was no equipment for evacuation. Yevhen is now safe - in rehabilitation at the Kyiv Hospital of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. His wounds are healing and very soon he will see his family again.

Yuriy Malenok, call sign "Artist"

We continue to introduce you to our Guardian Angels, who protect the Independence of our country and the right to recognition of every Ukrainian🇺🇦

For your attention, the story of Yuri Malenko, call sign "Artist".

Please keep donating, the war is not over yet and we need your help and support. Each of your donations is IMPORTANT!
Don't eat one donut - make a donation for Victory

You will be able to help the fighters in rehabilitation using the Details indicated on the main page of the site!

Subtitles: Meet our Defender - Yuriy Malenok, call sign Artist. For almost a month, Yuriy defended Belogorivka, Luhansk region. The occupiers were at arm's length - 50-70 meters. During the return to the position, one of the fighters began to manifest PTSD, the man began to scream and run, thereby attracting the attention of the enemy to his comrades. The Russians shelled the positions with an anti-tank grenade launcher. Fortunately, Yuri was only wounded in the leg. While escaping, he saw a drone, and he was lucky. The drone took him to his position. Now Yuriy is in the hospital of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Kyiv and is undergoing active physical and psychological rehabilitation.

Roman Bashenko, call sign "Prosecutor", National Police

We continue to introduce you to our brave, selfless Defenders and their stories, life events that they experienced from the first day of the Russian invasion.

This Sunday, the Project "History of Fighters" continues Roman Bashenko under the call sign "Prosecutor"

Collection continues! Each of your donations saves someone's life, and maybe yours.

You will be able to help the fighters in rehabilitation using the Details indicated on the main page of the site!

Subtitles: Our project "History of Fighters" is continued by Roman Bashenko, call sign "Prosecutor" from the National Police. And he is ready to share his story with you: "On July 27, 2022, during a combat mission in the city of Bakhmut, I, along with a group of my comrades, came under rocket fire. As a result, I ended up under the rubble. After that, I was sent by helicopter to the city of Dnipro, and now I am already undergoing rehabilitation in the city of Kyiv."

Oleksandr Havryshenko, National Guard of Ukraine

We continue our project "Stories of fighters" with the long-awaited and touching stories of our defenders, namely the story of Oleksandr Havryshenko, a soldier from the National Guard of Ukraine!

For the sake of our freedom, the will of future generations, they risk their lives, health and peaceful present.

You will be able to help the fighters in rehabilitation using the Details indicated on the main page of the site!

Subtitles: Oleksandr Havryshenko is a soldier of the National Guard of Ukraine. Even from the first days of the war, the man repelled the enemy in Azovstal. In April, during mortar shelling, he was wounded in his left limb with subsequent amputation above the knee. Oleksandr is ready to tell you his story: "I was injured at the factory, after which I was evacuated to the hospital, from the hospital to hospital number 4 on the outskirts of Mariupol. They examined me and found problems with my leg - I had to have an operation."

These are our guys. We will do everything to make them smile. Sashko constantly jokes, humor is his weapon. And it seems that humor in general helps to find solace. And the family is nearby. Family is the most important thing for our soldiers.


Yuriy, call sign "Batyar" from the Azov Battalion

Today we continue our project "Stories of fighters" with the story of Yuri, who after a brain injury and concussion discovered a talent for drawing

You will be able to help the fighters in rehabilitation using the Details indicated on the main page of the site!

Subtitles: Yuri's story can be considered a miracle. After a craniocerebral injury, the boy developed the gift of drawing. Yury comes from Transcarpathia. The inspiration for the drawing was a dream to go to the mountains and see their beauty in person. Yuriy is a creative person, in addition to painting, he also plays the guitar. Creativity can distract our Defenders from difficult memories. At first, Yuriy was silent during the first art therapy classes, but over time he opened up to us: Yuriy is a cheerful, brave and incredibly talented young man. At art therapy classes, we help fighters to let go of difficult memories as soon as possible and to remember only the best ones. Yuriy rehabilitated himself and fulfilled his dream - he went to the mountains.

Olena Maiboroda is a girl from the Mariupol National Police

Our project "Stories of fighters" continues the story of Olena Maiboroda - a girl from the National Police of Mariupol
You will be able to help the fighters in rehabilitation using the Details indicated on the main page of the site!

Subtitles: At night, a rocket flew to Elena's house. After that, the girl regained consciousness in the Mariupol hospital. She was transported to Azovstal, and then across the border with russia to Kyiv. The life of this beauty was ruined by the war. After the explosion, Elena was concussed. Now she is experiencing problems with the organs of hearing and smell and is poorly oriented in space. Now the girl is undergoing rehabilitation, which includes art therapy. Such classes help our defenders to stabilize their psycho-emotional state. Olena has already returned to work and works in the Kyiv District Department of the National Police. This was the story of one defender, and there are many more such stories!

Stas Borschak is a policeman from Mariupol

The stories of our Defenders are impressive - these are stories on the edge of life and death... Every Hero must be heard!

For this purpose, we created the project "Stories of fighters", the stories of our heroes who defended our freedom at the cost of their lives and health. They courageously stood behind us, and we, in turn, will help them adapt to a normal life. Let's start with the story of Stas Borshchak, a policeman from Mariupol.

You can also help the fighters in rehabilitation by the Revisits indicated on the main page of the site!

Subtitles: Like millions of Ukrainians, Stas lived an ordinary happy life, but everything changed on February 24. The bombing caught a man on duty. A fragment of the rocket damaged the soldier's arm and femur. The military decided to take Stas to Azovstal and conduct primary surgical treatment of the wounds. He underwent many operations, Stas spent 3 months in rehabilitation at the Ministry of Internal Affairs hospital. The man began to bend and unbend his arm again. And soon he had the desire and ability to draw. He became a regular participant in art therapy classes. His painting "Freedom" became a symbol of the indomitability of the Ukrainian people. After all, despite severe injuries, Stas did not give up and continued to fight.